GRIB Viewer
The GRIB viewer provides GFS models or other scientific weather models to display weather forecasts on your mobile device.
Select the area of interest and download the GRIB data.
GRIB layers (Weather types ):
- Wind Direction/Speed (10 m above MSL)
- CAPE (Severe Weather)
- Precipitation (rain/snow)
- Dew point
- Cloud Cover
- Waves Height/Direction/Period
- Current
- Barometric Pressure, label Highs (H)/Lows (L)
- Air-/Sea Temperature, Temp. at 500 mb
- Relative Humidity, Geopotential Height at 500 mb
WEATHERTRACK works offline.
The app offers a specifically designed worldwide offline map. Users do not need internet to display a map or use any other features. GRIB files can be downloaded through a SSB connection and transmitted via iTunes to your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch or PC. You can open GRIB files in a browser or from or email attachments in WEATHERTRACK. This gives access to specialized weather forecasts, for example higher resolution data available from commercial subscription based services.
- Offline, high res vector map. Use it offshore or in the mountains.
- Zoom in - to 0.001° (111 m /121 yd) - (for very high res GRIB files)
- Customizable
- Does not stop at the International Date Line, ±180°(as Google or Apple map do). Spin it around as long as you want.
- Worldwide Coverage
- Forecasts up to 16 days (depending on data model)
- Resolution: 0.05°, 0.5°, 1°, 2°, 2.5° (depending on data model)
- Forecast interval: 3hr, 6hr, 12hr, 24hr
- Data updated every 6 hours (GFS)
- Works easily with low bandwith
- User friendly
- Meteogram, dynamic, displays any layer
- Routes can be overlaid
- Share (Twitter, Facebook, email)
- City/Airport Search
- Magnifier
- In-app guide (offline)
- Multiple languages
- Anywhere Point Forecasts on your finger tip, not only for two million locations
- Animation of weather maps - watch & share
- GRIB via Iridium access point
- Customizable
Important features to many users:
- Worldwide Anywhere Point Forecasts (WeatherTrack bubble, see video "Enjoy and Play")
- Ability to select any desired area worldwide
- Ability to see all parameter at a glance (see video Meteogram)
- Ability of animated weather forecasts
- Flexible & reliable weather data providing
- Quick & easy interface
- Management of database and storage of files
- Ability to open GRIB file attachments from email messages in WeatherTrack
- Ability to open GRIB files from arbitrary web pages in WeatherTrack (f.ex. Norwegian Metoffice etc.)
- Great in-app documentation
- Ability to estimate file size (for controlling roaming fees)
- "The support is very efficient as well which is a great thing" (Reviews)